Loon™ - Line Speed

Loon™ - Line Speed

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Size: 1 oz.
Package: Bottle

Loon - Line Speed

The best line treatment available, improving the performance and longevity of your fly line.

Positively the best line cleaner, conditioner, and UV block for fly lines. By cleaning, adding a slickness, filling in imperfections and protecting lines from the sun, Line Speed allows lines to cast farther and last longer. Unlike most line cleaners, Line Speed doesn’t leave a sticky, dirt gathering silicone fluid coating. Apply with Loon’s Line Cleaning Tool and let sit overnight.


  • The best fly line cleaner available
  • Fills in line imperfections
  • Coats line with UV blocker
  • Contains advanced lubricants for better casting
  • Increases line floatation
  • 1 oz
Loon™ - Line Speed

Loon™ - Line Speed

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